Becoming healthy isn’t easy but when you have a reason that originates from your soul you’ll be able to break through walls of doubt, pain and failure.
Have you ever taken a step back in your life and wondered how your body has become unhealthy. I do every time I need to take a deep breath to tie my shoes. I did when I found stretch marks on my stomach before my wife even had any. When I wear pants that drag on the floor because my waist is a size 42. These and many other things remind me that I’m larger then I’m supposed to be or want to be.
I wasn’t always like this and in fact I was a slim 150 lbs my Senior year in high school. Sadly I took it for granted and tragically believed I was fat. This narrative was so imbedded in my psyche that I’d keep my shirt on when swimming in the ocean. I had a warped view of my body because I’d compare it to athletes on tv who’d walk around with six packs. My best friends were skinny and in comparison I was the chubbiest in the group. Of course this self image affected my social life because I lacked the confidence needed to speak up especially when it came to girls. I was perpetually stuck in the friend zone and once there I couldn’t find the courage to ask a girl out. How could I when I didn’t love myself. I believed no girl would ever find me attractive. In fact the only girl I dated in high school initiated the relationship. If she didn’t I never would’ve dated in high school.
In retrospect, I should have enjoyed my body. It’s funny how time and experiences change our perspective. I now know what it’s like to be overweight and if I was 150 lbs today, I’d feel like a million bucks. I would take off my shirt proudly and revel in my pack less abs. If I wasn’t married, I’d ask out any girl I was attracted to and probably get denied by more then half of them, but wouldn’t it be fun to try?
Can I push back the clock? This is a question many Americans face as they look in the mirror at their former selves. They ask that question when their knees ache and their body feels older then it really is. I ask that question when my double extra large clothes start to fit tightly around my stomach. Enough of the self loathing. It’s time to get to work and do what I know I’m capable of doing. Taking back my physical future.
How can I get this done? Through a simple three step approach that should keep me motivated and focused till I’ve accomplished my physical goals.
1. Find Your Fuel
Becoming healthier isn’t easy. How we’ve become has a lot to do with the day to day activities we are accustomed to doing. Before gaining weight, I was a work out fanatic. I enjoyed lifting weights, running and playing sports. Now I spend more time watching other people play. So how was I able to find the motivation? What was my fuel or in other words the “why”. When I advise students that struggle academically I usually hear about all the factors that are contributing to their failure. Some are perceived while others are real. No matter what we do we’ll face challenges. What we do when we face those barriers will decide if we’ll obtain our goal or not. With this in mind I usually ask my students why they’re in school. Asking why reminds them of the big picture. “Why do I spend hours reading my textbook? Cause I need the class to graduate and become a counselor to help kids who grow up in foster care.” When you have a reason that originates from your soul you’ll be able to break through walls of doubt, pain and failure.
So what is my reason for losing weight? It’s not because I want a six pack or look hot even though my wife wouldn’t mind either. I just want to live a life that gives me the most time with the people I love. I want to run with my children without having to take deep breaths every 5 minutes. I’d like my everyday life unhindered by my weight. Those are the reasons why I’d like to get healthier.
2. Baby Steps
Like babies who crawl before they walk I have to start slowly and take baby steps toward a healthier me. When I’ve tried to rush into shape it usually leads to injury or fatigue. Like when I tried to parallel squat 225 lbs after sporadically lifting a few months. Not surprisingly I tweaked my shoulder, which affected my desire to lift. After a month of rest I loss my momentum and comfortably settled into my couch potato lifestyle. My focus now is to be like the tortoise and be slow but deliberate. I’ll take small steps that I’ve planned for and believe should move me towards my desired outcome. After a step has become a habit I’ll add something new or do more within that step. I believe this method will lead me toward a change that is sustainable and create habits that will last a lifetime. Here are my initial steps:
Baby Steps:
- Exercise 30 minutes a day
- Stretch three times a week
Desired Outcome:
- Lose five pounds in one month
3. Record and Report
I previously worked in a position that required data keeping. Purpose? To hold me accountable and make changes when actions weren’t acquiring desired results. This is the purpose of these posts. I’ll be posting an update once a month covering what I’ve accomplished and the results, which may not always be weight loss. The blog will serve as a reminder and hold me accountable to all those who read this post. In addition, I can use the information recorded to reflect and decide when changes need to be made to my baby steps.
This is the simple approach I’m implementing. I know if I can focus on the why and take small steps I can lose weight and create healthier habits that will not only benefit me but my entire family. I understand that I’ll fail but unlike the past I won’t wallow in self pity. Instead I’ll spring off the mat ready to go another round and by using the information I’ve gathered I’ll implement a new plan of attack. I’ll keep fighting until I can look in the mirror and see the person I always was.
If you want to take control of your life please revaluate yourself and take the steps needed to live healthy. You won’t regret it and you may just give yourself more time with the ones you love most.
Thank you for reading and if you have any advice for me please let me know.
Just remember what you do is only half the equation, the other half is nutrition. If you put in more than you exert, you’ll find it harder to lose weight. Like you said have a plan and take baby steps. Good luck