Many children like myself were taught that nothing good happens at night. For some it’s after 10 pm while for others it may be as early as 8 pm. In any case the point of this saying is to encourage children to stay home, which may or may not cut down on bad behavior. It all depends on the child. Anyway, since I’m writing at the unholy time of 10:00 pm I’ve decided to call this post the “After Hours”. I’m not sure what’s going to come out of it but I’m hoping it’s nothing inherently evil.
Now in my opinion some of my best ideas and reflective moments come during these late hours. I the think the late hours melt down the inhibitions that strangle my creativity. It allows me to write and think without much filter. This doesn’t always result in a positive experience. For instance, I once told a girl who was clearly into my friend whether or not she would rather be with me and I did it in front of him. For those who know me this would shock them into disbelief. However, when I’m tired my mouth becomes a loose cannon. Whatever I think is said or in this case written down. So crossing my fingers I don’t offend anyone.
Bridge Of Spies Recap
Overall the movie was average. It had a lot of interesting historical facts I didn’t know about before watching it. Again this movie is another reason why our educational system is shot. I’m actually learning more from a movie then I did in my high school history class. This is assuming the facts presented are factual, which of course it is. I mean what movie would depict a false history to just make money. Of course no one would do that. Wink.
Out of the entire movie what stood out was the alleged spy that Tom Hanks was providing legal counsel for. He was by far one of the most unassuming and interesting spy I’ve seen on the big screen in a while. He is what made the movie for me and his one line, “would it help” was both funny and thought provoking.
He is facing the electric chair and instead of being angry or sad he looks calm. In this scene Tom Hanks acts as a voice for the audience when he confronts him about his lack of emotion. In response he just says, “would it help”. It wouldn’t help him to be either sad or angry. Being highly emotional only makes each day harder to get through. Instead he seemed to accept his fate wherever it may land for him and in doing so it released him from the shackles of emotions that could make his time unbearable.
Would it help?
This phrase is something many of us could use especially when faced with a set back in life. How would this phrase help us if we were to apply it. For me I’d stress less if I didn’t allow my emotions to get the better of me. It’s like when I’m rushing to write an article that needs to be posted in a few hours I’m usually unapproachable during this time. I’m both angry and depressed at the same time. Every negative self doubt consumes me in those moments, which usually results in a delay or a poorly written article. This is why I do my best to be preemptive by creating outlines and writing several days before it’s due.
This is great when everything in life works out but what if it doesn’t and when you have three kids under the age of five you’ll usually have at least a few chaotic moments in day. So what happens when you’re left with just a few hours to write. What would happen if I just told myself to relax because freaking out doesn’t help. Not for me anyway.
This is why I’m writing this article tonight. I’m doing it with this phrase running like a mantra in my head. Would it help? It does help and now I’ve written a quick post that might make sense to some of you and to others it’s just a last minute paper.
So the next time you’re stressing out about something ask yourself, “Is this really helping me?” If it isn’t then try something new.
Photo Credit: Youtube/20th Century Fox ME
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