When depression hits it’s hard to find a reason to breath and it’s times like that when I need a reason to live.
When I’m in the thick of my depression it’s hard for me not to dwell on the negative in my life. My eyes and thoughts are easily caught up in the reasons why life isn’t worth living. Life could be going swell but reality is in the eye of the beholder and when I’m depressed my vision is colored in blue. Others may see three beautiful daughters and a wonderful wife while mine see how life would be better for them if I wasn’t around. How they deserve better than me. How I’m not worthy to be their father.
This means that for someone like me I need to be purposeful with my thoughts. I need to reflect often and test out my reality. If I feel like my family would be better off without me, I need to test this reality by looking for evidence for both sides of the argument. In addition, I often go through my mind like a rolodex remembering all the reasons why life is wonderful. Why life is worth living. Doing these things is hard work and exhausting but when you’re mind works like mine it’s necessary.
I know that I’m not the only one whose mind functions in this manner. You don’t even have to be diagnosed with depression or anxiety to have negative thoughts creep into your mind. Everyone has probably wondered if life was worth it especially when times are tough. That doesn’t make you weak it just makes you human. It also means being happy isn’t easy. It’s hard work that involves constant reflection on the things in your life that is going well. Things that you’re grateful for and inspire you to keep moving forward.
Now everyones reason to live can be vastly different. One person may find chocolate ice cream to be a good enough reason while another may be inspired by their family relationships. These two reasons aren’t the same but that doesn’t mean one is better than the other. No matter the magnitude of your reason use it and try to gather as many as possible because one day you may need more then one.
So today I’ve decided to challenge myself and build up my reservoir of reasons to live over the next 30 days. I’ll write a short article everyday, starting tomorrow that will express an important person, place or thing that give me a reason to live. I hope you’ll join me in this challenge and look for those things in your life that bring you happiness. When you do find those reasons to keep breathing please take note and remember them. You may never know when you’ll need it.
Good luck and happy hunting.
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