Fatherly Blessings
Whenever my children get sick I feel helpless. I’m at the mercy of their illness as it passes through and when the fever is rising all I want is to make them better. I wish I could magically absorb their illness but all I can do is take them to the doctor and hope they give me some medication that will kill whatever virus has taken up residence in my children.
Once I’m given the prescription I’m putting my faith in my doctor that they’ve done their best. Now for some that is enough to calm ones fears, however, for others that’s not enough. One such person is my five year old who has at times asked for a fatherly blessing when feeling ill.
Now for those of you who aren’t familiar with fatherly blessings in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). It’s the power that fathers who are worthy of the priesthood (power and authority to act in the name of God) have to bless their family members with comfort, counsel and healing. It’s not something to take lightly and with faith it’s possible for miracles to happen if it’s God’s will.
My five year old has childlike faith, which in my opinion can move mountains and so when she asked me to give her a blessing I had faith that God would be there. Now a magnificent being didn’t appear but at the end of the prayer my daughter in her sickly state smiled and believed that everything was going to be okay. She seemed at peace with the blessing and the next day her faith was rewarded with her body feeling whole again. I remember her excitedly talking with me in the morning about how good she felt and believed that Heavenly Father took care of her. I agreed and ever since she has asked me to pray for her whenever she’s been in need. Her childlike faith allows her to ask even in times when she isn’t sick like after a bad nightmare or when she’s anxious about show and tell the next day in class.
She believes in something greater than herself because I was there to give her a father’s blessing. I was there to plant the seed that has now sprouted into a little tree. Her life is still so young and there will be many more blessings that will be asked from me, which means I have another reason to live.
Pic Credit: lds.org
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