The purpose of Keola Birano is simple, to record the pursuit of my dreams as a Native Hawaiian author of five. Not unlike many parents out there, I hope to support my children in every facet of their lives. One method I’ve decided to implement is to be an example of pushing conventional thinking aside to accomplish the statistically impossible; to earn a Ph.D. and become a published young adult author. The path behind and what awaits ahead of me will be paved by constant self-reflection, living congruently, and having the flexibility to change.
1. What does it mean to self-reflect?
Before you can start pursuing your dreams you need to first reflect on your current situation. This means taking an inventory of your life. From your job to the friends you hang out with you need to ask yourself an important question. “Does my life truly reflect who I am or who I want to be?” This is an important question to answer because if it’s “no” you have to make a decision. Do I live congruently?
2. What does it mean to live congruently?
It means living your life on your terms. Mindfully choosing a path that you want to pursue based on your values, passions, and desires. I’ve lived the majority of my life for the approval of others. When I’ve been faced with a decision that I think will disappoint or offend I usually suppress my feelings. This would inevitably lead to a battle with depression. Living congruently is what brought me out of my depression. By becoming congruent you’ll find that life will have more meaning and that obstacles that once felt like mountains will become speed bumps toward your goals.
3. What does it mean to have flexibility?
Once you reflect and strive to live congruently you need to periodically ask yourself the question, “Is what I’m doing still in alignment with who I am and what I want to become?” Throughout our lives, we are constantly evolving because of the experiences that we have. Life happens so whether it be losing a child or graduating from college we are constantly changing. Nothing stays the same which means the things that once brought us happiness may one day become burdensome. So if that day comes are you going to change or for whatever reason live the status quo? I hope you choose to make a change. Don’t live a life just because. Change is a part of life and once we accept that we can move forward and find new ways to bring joy into our lives. Everyone deserves some happiness in this life.
Keola Birano will serve as a record of the messy journey in pursuing my dreams as an author of five. To live a life based on my values, passions, and desires. Through this example, I hope to inspire not only my children but others to do the same.